BIXOLON BK3 Kiosk Series

The compact, flexible and highly reliable BK3 Series is comprised of 2-inch and 3-inch open frame kiosk printing mechanisms. Ideal for standalone self-service kiosk installations in Retail, Hospitality, Healthcare and more. The BK3 Series is a direct thermal printer which operates at speeds up to 250 mm with 203 dpi resolutions. Packed with a range of design and value-added paper saving features, the BK3 Series supports a range of mounting options to provide design flexibility for any kiosk builders. The BK3 Series is supported with a range of drivers and utilities. Fast speed up to 250 mm per second at 203dpi
Long term reliable operation in a wide range of temperatures

Supporting selectable media widths of 83 / 80 / 60 / 58 / 20 mm and media thickness of up to 0.12 mm
A variety of drivers and SDKs for major operating systems including Android, Windows, and Linux

Standard Interface: USB (V2.0 Full Speed) + Serial
Optional Interface: USB (V2.0 Full Speed) + Serial + Ethernet (BK3-31/BK3-32 Only)

Power: DC-Jack or 2P Connector
Serial: 9P Male or 5P Connector

Range of bezel options: 4 Types of Standard Bezel / LED Bezel (Available for the BK3-31 Only) / None Bezel
Reducing paper usage up to 25% resulting in less waste and lower CO2 emission

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