HONEYWELL Granit 1991i Series 2D, BT

The wireless Honeywell imagers Granit 1991iSR and 1991iXR offer a long life cycle and high scanning performance for standard and extended range operations, so they are ideal for demanding sectors, such as warehouses. Plus, thanks to Honeywell's »Operational Intelligence« software, you are ensured high throughput and enhanced productivity. For the reliable capture of 1D and 2D barcodes, the imagers are equipped with a high-resolution sensor and quick decoding algorithms.

Both the 1991iSR and 1991iXR are suited for either normal, near-field scanning operations or expanded range scanning of UPC to 1.5 m, and 100 mil codes to 10 m.

Their robust construction ensures that they withstand multiple falls from up to 3 m and operating temperatures from -30 to +50 °C are no problem. They also boast IP67 certification for protection against dust and short immersions into water. Connect the imagers easily via USB, RS-232 or KBW; optionally a Bluetooth version is available.

Bluetooth scanner, industry, 2D, imager (FlexRange), vibration, Digimarc, USB (type A), range: 100 m, multi-interface (RS232, KBW, USB), IP67, included: interface cable, charging/transmitter cradle, colour: red

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