Honeywell Granit Ultra 2100iXR, Rugged, 2D, Digimarc, USB

The high-performance scanners of the Granit Ultra 2100i series from Honeywell read and transmit even damaged or poorly printed 1D, 2D, postal, Digimarc, DotCode and OCR codes effortlessly and quickly – both at close range (Granit Ultra 2100ISR) and at medium range (Granit Ultra 2100IXR).

This makes them perfect for use in distribution centres, warehouses and production environments – even in extreme operating temperatures of -30 to 50 °C. The scanners are also dust and waterproof in accordance with IP65/IP68.

The scanners feature integrated high-speed processing with AI algorithms and decoding enhancements, as well as a scratch- and shock-resistant scan window that ensures fast and successful scans even in harsh conditions.

The comfortable, ergonomic design fits perfectly in any hand. The Honeywell Data Format Editor also allows multiple barcodes to be captured simultaneously in the Granit Ultra 2100i scanner's field of view. This further speeds up the workflow.

handheld scanner, industry, 2D,
imager (FlexRange), vibration, Digimarc,

multi-interface (RS232, USB),
protection class: IP65, IP68, colour: red

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